Sunday, September 27, 2009


Is a very good idea, but with a bad conclusion. For many people is the perfect transport, because their destinys are in the same way that the bus, but for the other part of the population, the transantiago only cause headache. Too many people have to walk several streets to arrive to any stop, but when they reaciently arrive, they realize that stop is for a bus that goes to another place, and the stop for the place that I want to go, is very far from the stop that I arrive. When we talk about the security in the transantiago, is very miscellaneous, because there are many points of view about this subject. At the beginning, the situation was very secure, most of the people only need the bip card, and the robberies was an old story, but, with the passing of the time, the center of the robberies was the passengers, and the students, the old ladies, the kids, even more. But, no everything is bad in transantiago, there are, I think, more space for the people, because I remember the old buses and, yes, there was no space. And the drivers, they was very rude, now, they are much nicer. Well, all this stuff, it’s reciently beginning, maybe in two years from now, the things have to change.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Jojojojo. This is a really goog task. I like very much to talk about it, because is my projection, or maybe more, my dream. I want to live in England or Scottland. I read a lot of magazines of travels and other stuff, and always call my atention the life in those countries. Their houses, neighborhoods, etc. Maybe a difficult to me could the how to drive. They sit in their cars in the left side, that thing confuse my mind. But the public transport is seems to be good. And the underground, or like our miss says "the tube". I like very much the subway here in Chile, and seems to be like ours in London. That's a good reason to start to learn how to speak in english, because, yes or yes I'm going to London. Oh yes, I forgot the music. Too many of my favorites bands are English, like the beatles, elbow, Queen, and so many others. And their movies, or how the others see their culture and put on their movies, like "Greenstreet Hooligans" with Elijah Wood as actor. Or "Meanmachine", other great movie.
On the internet says that the nightlife on london is very entertaining. I want to look closely that thing. Or maybe you can tell me miss how is the nightlife on London, or in Liverpool, the beatles town.


Well. To begin this work I have to tell you how was the situation at that time. To incorporate me in the semester I had to write a request, because psiquiatric issues in the semester before. But all that issues were for the better.
In the first semester I took five subjects, of which only approved three. Pathology was the subject I love the most, but I failed. Nobody is perfect, I think that. But the studies is not everything. I've to travel, only when there was time, to San Vicente, to visit my girlfriend and the family over there. On the weekend, maybe once on a month, when I have the time. That is my way to scape from the stress of Santiago. Santiago is a stressing city, always with noise and the rush, even when you have to do something not related with studies, like go out with my friends. In example, always when I have to go to the center, I come home with a headache. Maybe is the polution, maybe is the stress for all the people who go to the center. But in my home or in the house of my friends, always is much more quiet. But the first term, in conclusion, it wasn't so bad.