Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Jojojojo. This is a really goog task. I like very much to talk about it, because is my projection, or maybe more, my dream. I want to live in England or Scottland. I read a lot of magazines of travels and other stuff, and always call my atention the life in those countries. Their houses, neighborhoods, etc. Maybe a difficult to me could the how to drive. They sit in their cars in the left side, that thing confuse my mind. But the public transport is seems to be good. And the underground, or like our miss says "the tube". I like very much the subway here in Chile, and seems to be like ours in London. That's a good reason to start to learn how to speak in english, because, yes or yes I'm going to London. Oh yes, I forgot the music. Too many of my favorites bands are English, like the beatles, elbow, Queen, and so many others. And their movies, or how the others see their culture and put on their movies, like "Greenstreet Hooligans" with Elijah Wood as actor. Or "Meanmachine", other great movie.
On the internet says that the nightlife on london is very entertaining. I want to look closely that thing. Or maybe you can tell me miss how is the nightlife on London, or in Liverpool, the beatles town.

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