Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My experience learning English at the university

My experience learning English in the university was very helpful, in so many ways. My reason maybe is very simples, but in very specific moments, changes everything. If you want a reference about if necessary learn English, well, I can tell you something. It’s very helpful and when you realize that, all the things turn to something much easier. It was entertaining too, and my teacher can give the touch to the subject too. But, all that things that I said, it’s only when you’re not obligated to do an specific subject. That turns into a torture. So, if you want to do this subject, in the university, do it, but for your own will.

When I start to learn English in the university, was very peculiar, because, first of all, I have to do a test for to know my level. When they said that, I was scared, I don’t know why, but that happened. When we receive the results, I saw I was in “pre- intermediate” level, and I have to wait to begin my subject, when my friend had to start very soon. I wait maybe 2 semesters to begin my class, and I knew some English from school, but I unwittingly reinforced with my music, that most are in English.

When the time comes, I went to the English class, and saw there was no difference between what I knew and what my teacher was teaching me. But there was an area that I don’t handle very well, the speaking, and my teacher always made us speak English, whether it was what we wanted, and then we was corrected. Well, that time, I have to do something terrible for me, I have to speak in public about a theme that we liked more, and others teacher of different areas was coming to see us. No one goes, there was a little part of my classmates and even then, I was scared. My presentation was horrible. That was all for the pre- intermediate English class. But when I knew there is going to be a new subject in English, I toke it blindly.

In conclusion, if you ask me if I learned something in English, I have to tell you, yes, totally. It was a good experience that helped me even talking to people, which never thought I'd, and in my career, I have to read to many papers, and all that papers are in English, so it’s an important tool in my works and in my knowledge. Even more, sometimes, when I want to see a movie in other language, like Japanese, and there are no subs in Spanish for that movie, y look for the English subs, and it works, I understand everything in the movie. The English class in the university was very helpful to me.