Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My experience learning English at the university

My experience learning English in the university was very helpful, in so many ways. My reason maybe is very simples, but in very specific moments, changes everything. If you want a reference about if necessary learn English, well, I can tell you something. It’s very helpful and when you realize that, all the things turn to something much easier. It was entertaining too, and my teacher can give the touch to the subject too. But, all that things that I said, it’s only when you’re not obligated to do an specific subject. That turns into a torture. So, if you want to do this subject, in the university, do it, but for your own will.

When I start to learn English in the university, was very peculiar, because, first of all, I have to do a test for to know my level. When they said that, I was scared, I don’t know why, but that happened. When we receive the results, I saw I was in “pre- intermediate” level, and I have to wait to begin my subject, when my friend had to start very soon. I wait maybe 2 semesters to begin my class, and I knew some English from school, but I unwittingly reinforced with my music, that most are in English.

When the time comes, I went to the English class, and saw there was no difference between what I knew and what my teacher was teaching me. But there was an area that I don’t handle very well, the speaking, and my teacher always made us speak English, whether it was what we wanted, and then we was corrected. Well, that time, I have to do something terrible for me, I have to speak in public about a theme that we liked more, and others teacher of different areas was coming to see us. No one goes, there was a little part of my classmates and even then, I was scared. My presentation was horrible. That was all for the pre- intermediate English class. But when I knew there is going to be a new subject in English, I toke it blindly.

In conclusion, if you ask me if I learned something in English, I have to tell you, yes, totally. It was a good experience that helped me even talking to people, which never thought I'd, and in my career, I have to read to many papers, and all that papers are in English, so it’s an important tool in my works and in my knowledge. Even more, sometimes, when I want to see a movie in other language, like Japanese, and there are no subs in Spanish for that movie, y look for the English subs, and it works, I understand everything in the movie. The English class in the university was very helpful to me.


Miss said...

^ Is a very good idea, but with a bad conclusion. For many people is the perfect transport, because their WF destinys are in the same way that the bus, but for the other part of the population, the transantiago only SVA cause headache. Too many people have to walk several streets to arrive to any stop, but when they reaciently arrive, they realize that stop is for a bus that goes to another place, and the stop for the place that I want to go, is very far from the stop that I arrive. When we talk about the security in the transantiago, is very miscellaneous, because there are many points of view about this subject. At the beginning, the situation was very secure, most of the people only need the bip card, and the robberies SVA was an old story, but, with the passing of the time, the center of the robberies was the passengers, and the students, the old ladies, the kids, even more. But, no everything is bad in transantiago, there are, I think, more space for the people, because I remember the old buses and, yes, there was no space. And the drivers, they was very rude, now, they are much nicer. Well, all this stuff, it’s reciently beginning, maybe in two years from now, the things have to change.

I agree with the point that bus drivers are so much nicer, well not everybody but at least it's better.
p.s. you got a 5.5

Miss said...


Jojojojo. This is a really goog task. I like very much to talk about it, because is my projection, or maybe more, my dream. I want to live in England or SP Scottland. I read a lot of magazines of travels and other stuff, and always call my SP atention WP SVA the life in those countries. Their houses, neighborhoods, etc. Maybe a difficult to me could the how to drive. They sit in their cars in the left side, that thing confuse my mind. But the public transport is seems to be good. And the underground, or like our miss says "the tube". I like very much the subway here in Chile, and ^ seems to be like ours in London. That's a good reason to start to learn how to speak in CAPS english, because, yes or yes I'm going to London. Oh yes, I forgot the music. Too many of my favorites bands are English, like the beatles, elbow, Queen, and so many others. And their movies, or how the others see their culture and put on their movies, like "Greenstreet Hooligans" with Elijah Wood as actor. Or "Meanmachine", other great movie.
On the internet says that the nightlife on london is very entertaining. I want to look closely that thing. Or maybe you can tell me miss how is the nightlife on London, or in Liverpool, the beatles town.

SUre!! the nightlife and in general the life is so different from here...I'm sure you'll enjoy it!!
good luck!

p.s. you got a 6
Well. To begin this work I have to tell you how was the situation at that time. To incorporate me in the semester I had to write a WW request, because SP psiquiatric issues in the semester before. But all that issues were for the WW better.
In the first semester I took five subjects, of which only WW approved three. Pathology was the subject I love the most, but I failed. Nobody is perfect, I think that. But the studies is not everything. I've to travel, only when there was time, to San Vicente, to visit my girlfriend and the family over there. On the weekend, maybe once on a month, when I have the time. That is my way to scape from the stress of Santiago. Santiago is a stressing city, always with noise and the rush, even when you have to do something not related with studies, like go out with my friends. WW In example, always when I have to go to the center, I come home with a headache. Maybe is the SP polution, maybe is the stress for all the people who go to the center. But in my home or in the house of my friends, always is much more *WF quiet. But the first term, in conclusion, it wasn't so

i agree... I hate stgo, it's so polluted and noisy.
p.s. you got a 5.5

Miss said...

My experience learning English in the university was very helpful, in so many ways. My reason maybe SVA is very simples, but in very specific moments, changes everything. If you want a reference about if necessary learn English, well, I can tell you something. It’s very helpful and when you realize that, all the things turn to something much easier. It was entertaining too, and my teacher can give the touch to the subject too. But, all that things that I said, it’s only when you’re not obligated to do an specific subject. That turns into a torture. So, if you want to do this subject, in the university, do it, but for your own will.

When I start to learn English in the university, was very peculiar, because, first of all, I have to do a test for WF to know my level. When they said that, I was scared, I don’t know why, but that happened. When we receive the results, I saw I was in “pre- intermediate” level, and I have to wait to begin my subject, when my friend had to start very soon. I wait maybe 2 semesters to begin my class, and I knew some English from school, but I unwittingly reinforced with my music, that most are in English.

When the time comes, I went to the English class, and saw there was no difference between what I knew and what my teacher was teaching me. But there was an area that I don’t handle very well, the speaking, and my teacher always made us speak English, whether it was what we wanted, and then we was corrected. Well, that time, I have to do something terrible for me, I have to speak in public about a theme that we liked more, and others teacher of different areas was coming to see us. No one goes, there was a little part of my classmates and even then, I was scared. My presentation was horrible. That was all for the pre- intermediate English class. But when I knew there is going to be a new subject in English, I WW toke it blindly.

In conclusion, if you ask me if I learned something in English, I have to tell you, yes, totally. It was a good experience that helped me even talking to people, which never thought I'd, and in my career, I have to read to many papers, and all that papers are in English, so it’s an important tool in my works and in my knowledge. Even more, sometimes, when I want to see a movie in other language, like Japanese, and there are no subs in Spanish for that movie, y look for the English subs, and it works, I understand everything in the movie. The English class in the university was very helpful to me.

I'm glad I can hear such a positive evaluation. Now, you still need to do a lot of work but i'm sure that with your abilities you would succeed!!

p.s. you got a 6.7

Miss said...


Veterinary is a career that gives WF importants challenges because it has significant areas that are in constant renewal for to work with living things. One of those areas is the technology. This area has an important place among the others by being an effective tool in the detection of diseases. Within the area of the image, we must highlight the significant progress that has been achieved through the TAC, computed radiography and ultrasound, which has led to unimaginable. But with all this facilities, where is the challenge? Well, the challenge is in the knowing of how to use all this, and investigate new utilities to the technology. All this technology requires study and practice, and the progress has been made. In all the disciplines we can do something about the social matters, in veterinary we can do that too. There are projects and work planes that are used for municipalities and even for entire cities. Personally I know one example of both, in projects there is TVV or volunteer veterinary work that works in our faculty. They help people in remote locations from large cities and receive little help from the government. Example for work planes, there is Veterinary clinic "El roble", that works in one of the municipalities with poor people and not so poor. They work with the help of the La Pintana municipality. Other area, which can be viewed from two angles, is the education, one angle is related with the social matter is the education about the pets and the farm animals of poor people, and even normal people can recive some education about this theme. The other point of view is the education in the university, where veterinaries teach to the students how to be a veterinary. A good one. We have in the faculty very good teachers, who are vet. They have a challenge too, is the renewal of all the education system. They have some problems accustomed to the rhythm of the classes and all the organization. We have challenges all the time, in all the places, and we have to use to it, because for us, it's a life style.

very interesting! It's good you know about what you talk about...
p.s. you got a 6.5

Miss said...

The current situation in the faculty is very hard, because there are so many problems, problems which I had not realized. Not all the problems are in the facilities, but, in the organization too. In the past weeks I only listened about one test for my friends in the 8th semester, it's about a subject called "Medicine", they have to do an exam with content of all the year. If you think, in cold blood, that's not a problem for people who work very hard and manage to reach their goal, but in the sitution, it is a very big problem, because, it's not the only subject in their semester, and even worse, it's about people those are not involved with the subject. I try to listen for to get a better perspective, and they blame WW to the study secretary for not WF give them the oportunities to fix all this problems. They are very angry with the handling that makes the student affairs not only them but also with the entire student affairs in the faculty. The improvement needed in here, it's a change in the form to treat all the students, I know a sentence that he always says: " I don't work here for to make friends...". that's ok, but the treat is another thing, and I don't say that be the SP expresion or he was rude with us, it's the fact of how he does the things. My friends and all the students made the first step, which was WF talk about this with the SP comunity. This SP sitution has only one solution, in my opinion, that's be the communication between the parts. The benefits, well, everybody knows and you do not need to say that.
well done! I think you might have explained other things as well...
anyway, the guinea pig generation is difficult I think. When I was teaching that course I felt they blame every single teacher for their failures which is a bit unfair. I mean I understand there are problems but not everything is black and white...
p.s. you got a 5.3

Miss said...

Wetherby in spotlight again after four horses killed at troubled track

RSPCA experts keeping close watch on Wetherby racecourse due to the death of 4 racehorses. Two horses died in the main race, while another horse was seriously injured and the winner had injuries too. Since the course of the race was changed, the racing has been questioned even by the road surface. The deaths of Divex and Marrel overshadowed the remainder of the racing action. All WF this facts are dirtying an important sport like the racehorse. Although the British Horseracing Authority has conducted regular inspections at the track. According to Animal Aid's DeathWatch website, five horses were also injured fatally at Wetherby before, so that fact tell us that it isn’t a coincidence. The incidents SVA continues once and again even when there are important inspectors like witness in all the events. There is a equine consultants studying veterinary reports into the horses’ deaths too, before reporting back to the authorities. The inspectors SVA says maybe in the future, they advise that racing should only be taking place when the ground is good or slower. He walked the course before the racing and felt that improvements had been made to the surface since the ? spate of fatalities earlier in the year. He says that the old parts of the course are fine.

I have to confess I haven't read anything like that before, so it's quite interesting
be careful with the subject and the verb
p.s. you got a 5.5

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2009/oct/15/wetherby-rspca-horse-fatalities

Miss said...

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the tiger. It’s a really cool animal because they are very specials and I like very much these kinds of cats. They like very much the water. Their habitats are the Asian lands. They are meat-eaters. He is the biggest cat of his kind. The female can have between one to six cubs. When the cubs have nearly eight months old, they are ready to go out of their lair. They are very territorial and hunt a lot. They have a really good care in zoos and parks. Normally tigers hunt herbivorous, but when they are old or wounded, they attack domestic cattle and even people. The tigers use their strength and size to put WO off their victims of their balance. Although they are very big, they can reach 72 kilometers for hour, which means, they are very fast runners. They are in WW extinction danger, because their skin is very beautiful and is used to make coats. Their bones and almost all the parts of their bodies are used to oriental alternative medicine, although this practice has been forbidden in China. The illegal hunt and the destruction of their habitat have reduced the savage tiger population. ?Even more. Three of eight kinds of tigers are extinct. The variations of the tigers occasionally SVA happens in captivity, and they have two kinds, the liger, which means the cross between a lion male and a tiger female, and a tigon, which means, the cross between a lion female and a tiger male.

I remember I saw in picture one, i dont remember which but I have never hear of these mixes before...
well done!
p.s. you got a 6

What we're going to do in Santiago?

Jojojo. This homework will be very entertaining to do.
Ok, the first visit we will do it’s going to be a very good museum. The San Francisco museum, in the Alameda Street. In that museum we are going to see pre-Columbian artifacts, of many cultures of the north, the center and the south of Chile. Quickly we are going to move to O’Higgins park and we are going to Fantasilandia, WF A entertaining park with many plays to choose. If the fatigue is not much, we can go to eat to Plaza de Armas. In the gallery of one side, there are so many good places to eat a very tasty food (with too many fats, but doesn’t matter if you are hungry).WW Other place we can go, or we may go, is the Santa Lucia’s craft fair. Some things are very expensive, but they have nice things, and we may go only to see that things. If we had time, we can take the subway and go to Providencia, buy some ice cream and, talk and walk to the sculpture park, in one of the sides of the river. Well, WW in that time, we need a rest, but to continue, because after the rest, we can go to Bellavista neighborhood, drink something or go to the theater, there are many theaters near the pubs and the bars. We only need too many energy for do all that things. I know the order of the things, for the proximity of the places are very messy, but when you go to one place to another, there are so many to talk and see.

you would be a good guide...jeje
p.s. you got a 6.