Monday, November 30, 2009


Veterinary is a career that gives importants challenges because it has significant areas that are in constant renewal for to work with living things. One of those areas is the technology. This area has an important place among the others by being an effective tool in the detection of diseases. Within the area of the image, we must highlight the significant progress that has been achieved through the TAC, computed radiography and ultrasound, which has led to unimaginable. But with all this facilities, where is the challenge? Well, the challenge is in the knowing of how to use all this, and investigate new utilities to the technology. All this technology requires study and practice, and the progress has been made. In all the disciplines we can do something about the social matters, in veterinary we can do that too. There are projects and work planes that are used for municipalities and even for entire cities. Personally I know one example of both, in projects there is TVV or volunteer veterinary work that works in our faculty. They help people in remote locations from large cities and receive little help from the government. Example for work planes, there is Veterinary clinic "El roble", that works in one of the municipalities with poor people and not so poor. They work with the help of the La Pintana municipality. Other area, which can be viewed from two angles, is the education, one angle is related with the social matter is the education about the pets and the farm animals of poor people, and even normal people can recive some education about this theme. The other point of view is the education in the university, where veterinaries teach to the students how to be a veterinary. A good one. We have in the faculty very good teachers, who are vet. They have a challenge too, is the renewal of all the education system. They have some problems accustomed to the rhythm of the classes and all the organization. We have challenges all the time, in all the places, and we have to use to it, because for us, it's a life style.

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