Monday, November 30, 2009


The current situation in the faculty is very hard, because there are so many problems, problems which I had not realized. Not all the problems are in the facilities, but, in the organization too. In the past weeks I only listened about one test for my friends in the 8th semester, it's about a subject called "Medicine", they have to do an exam with content of all the year. If you think, in cold blood, that's not a problem for people who work very hard and manage to reach their goal, but in the sitution, it is a very big problem, because, it's not the only subject in their semester, and even worse, it's about people those are not involved with the subject. I try to listen for to get a better perspective, and they blame to the study secretary for not give them the oportunities to fix all this problems. They are very angry with the handling that makes the student affairs not only them but also with the entire student affairs in the faculty. The improvement needed in here, it's a change in the form to treat all the students, I know a sentence that he always says: " I don't work here for to make friends...". that's ok, but the treat is another thing, and I don't say that be the expresion or he was rude with us, it's the fact of how he does the things. My friends and all the students made the first step, which was talk about this with the comunity. This sitution has only one solution, in my opinion, that's be the communication between the parts. The benefits, well, everybody knows and you do not need to say that.

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