Friday, October 23, 2009

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the tiger. It’s a really cool animal because they are very specials and I like very much these kinds of cats. They like very much the water. Their habitats are the Asian lands. They are meat-eaters. He is the biggest cat of his kind. The female can have between one to six cubs. When the cubs have nearly eight months old, they are ready to go out of their lair. They are very territorial and hunt a lot. They have a really good care in zoos and parks. Normally tigers hunt herbivorous, but when they are old or wounded, they attack domestic cattle and even people. The tigers use their strength and size to put off their victims of their balance. Although they are very big, they can reach 72 kilometers for hour, which means, they are very fast runners. They are in extinction danger, because their skin is very beautiful and is used to make coats. Their bones and almost all the parts of their bodies are used to oriental alternative medicine, although this practice has been forbidden in China. The illegal hunt and the destruction of their habitat have reduced the savage tiger population. Even more. Three of eight kinds of tigers are extinct. The variations of the tigers occasionally happens in captivity, and they have two kinds, the liger, which means the cross between a lion male and a tiger female, and a tigon, which means, the cross between a lion female and a tiger male.

Friday, October 16, 2009

What we're going to do in Santiago?

Jojojo. This homework will be very entertaining to do.
Ok, the first visit we will do it’s going to be a very good museum. The San Francisco museum, in the Alameda Street. In that museum we are going to see pre-Columbian artifacts, of many cultures of the north, the center and the south of Chile. Quickly we are going to move to O’Higgins park and we are going to Fantasilandia, A entertaining park with many plays to choose. If the fatigue is not much, we can go to eat to Plaza de Armas. In the gallery of one side, there are so many good places to eat a very tasty food (with too many fats, but doesn’t matter if you are hungry). Other place we can go, or we may go, is the Santa Lucia’s craft fair. Some things are very expensive, but they have nice things, and we may go only to see that things. If we had time, we can take the subway and go to Providencia, buy some ice cream and, talk and walk to the sculpture park, in one of the sides of the river. Well, in that time, we need a rest, but to continue, because after the rest, we can go to Bellavista neighborhood, drink something or go to the theater, there are many theaters near the pubs and the bars. We only need too many energy for do all that things. I know the order of the things, for the proximity of the places are very messy, but when you go to one place to another, there are so many to talk and see.


First of all, being Chilean means to me a lot of sensations. The most principal ones are the fact of I live quietly, without any conflict or war, (the most of the time), not considering the 11th of September, with all the riots and chaos. Well, if you imagine all the things that happens on Kosovo’s war, the Irak conflict, and all that stuff. We have also our own issues, like the delinquency, the thieves, that’s make me angry, very angry and ashamed, because all the injustice, from the thief and the government when talk about the problems, they always talk in circles, and say nothing meaningful, meanwhile the thieves go in and go out of the jails. But not everything is bad. See the example of the sports. The people who play for their country in the classifications, world cups, and all that things that make me proud of being Chilean.
About of the 11th of September, I know about all the people who were suffering a lost of any relative or friend, that thing makes me sad, but not considering that, it doesn’t really matter to me, because that’s not my period, I live all the 80’s process, and that period is more meaningful to me.