Friday, October 23, 2009

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the tiger. It’s a really cool animal because they are very specials and I like very much these kinds of cats. They like very much the water. Their habitats are the Asian lands. They are meat-eaters. He is the biggest cat of his kind. The female can have between one to six cubs. When the cubs have nearly eight months old, they are ready to go out of their lair. They are very territorial and hunt a lot. They have a really good care in zoos and parks. Normally tigers hunt herbivorous, but when they are old or wounded, they attack domestic cattle and even people. The tigers use their strength and size to put off their victims of their balance. Although they are very big, they can reach 72 kilometers for hour, which means, they are very fast runners. They are in extinction danger, because their skin is very beautiful and is used to make coats. Their bones and almost all the parts of their bodies are used to oriental alternative medicine, although this practice has been forbidden in China. The illegal hunt and the destruction of their habitat have reduced the savage tiger population. Even more. Three of eight kinds of tigers are extinct. The variations of the tigers occasionally happens in captivity, and they have two kinds, the liger, which means the cross between a lion male and a tiger female, and a tigon, which means, the cross between a lion female and a tiger male.

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