Friday, October 16, 2009


First of all, being Chilean means to me a lot of sensations. The most principal ones are the fact of I live quietly, without any conflict or war, (the most of the time), not considering the 11th of September, with all the riots and chaos. Well, if you imagine all the things that happens on Kosovo’s war, the Irak conflict, and all that stuff. We have also our own issues, like the delinquency, the thieves, that’s make me angry, very angry and ashamed, because all the injustice, from the thief and the government when talk about the problems, they always talk in circles, and say nothing meaningful, meanwhile the thieves go in and go out of the jails. But not everything is bad. See the example of the sports. The people who play for their country in the classifications, world cups, and all that things that make me proud of being Chilean.
About of the 11th of September, I know about all the people who were suffering a lost of any relative or friend, that thing makes me sad, but not considering that, it doesn’t really matter to me, because that’s not my period, I live all the 80’s process, and that period is more meaningful to me.

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