Wednesday, August 29, 2007

my favorite website

Well. What can I say to begin this entry?? Maybe something like this: Hi!!! I'm writing to all of you to comment my favorite website, that is Your question might be "why?". It's because it's the site of my favorite band, the gathering. I usually visit this page to read the news about the band, see their photos, specially anneke's photos, when she was in the band. Actually she formed her own band called "Agua de Annique" (, I visit that page too). All the concerts that they have performed in Chile, I have known because of the site. In the page you can watch videos and listen some of their songs too. If you know how to play the guitar or you want to sing, there is a section with lyrics and the tabs of their songs. They make contests too, but that doesn't interest me very much. And that's it, that is my favorite website

1 comment:

Miss said...

well done!! there are a couple of things... fisrtly was this annique the singer?? that's not quite clear. Finally a detail but important proper names are with capital letters ok

ps you got a 6.7