Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Let's go to Santa Lucia hill

If you go by car, leave the airport and take Armando Cortinez avenue, until you’ll be in Americo Vespucio avenue. When you have being already there, turn to your left, and go so far as to the way to Valparaiso. When you’ll be arrive here, turn to your right and a few km. more this way change its name to Libertador Bernardo O’’higgins avenue. You can see outside the entries to Metro, the names of its stations. It would be easy arrive to Santa Lucia hill, because a few metres over the station with the same name, you’ll see a street that intersect Libertador Bernardo O’higgins avenue, with the same name of the station and the hill.

If you go on bus, you must arrive from the airport to Americo Vespucio avenue. Once you’ll be there, you must take 304 green and white bus. That bus go until San Pablo avenue. When you’ll be arrive right thereyou must get on 402, 406 or 407 green and white bus which ones bring you in San Pablo metro’s station. Take the metro in “escuela militar” direction, and get off in Santa Lucia station. Once you’ll be there, try to go out for north Alameda way out. And if you look at to the east, you’ll see Santa Lucia hill.

1 comment:

Miss said...

well done!
be careful with some its in there
ps. you got a 6.7